Massive Budget Cuts Hamper the Services Provided by IDNR - Division of Forest Resources Staff
Early retirements in 2002 and subsequent budget cuts in the
Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) over the past several years have reduced the Division of Forest Resources' professional, technical, and clerical staff by 39%, 67%, and 86%, respectively. The critical shortage of personnel in the Division of Forest Resources continues to seriously compromise the ability of IDNR to achieve an essential part of its mission. The people, communities, and forests that benefit from the services and programs of professional foresters are seriously jeopardized. The lack of personnel, financial resources, and inadequate response times to requests by the public put the health, productivity, and sheer existence of these forests are at risk. Ironically, while forestry staffing is at its lowest level, demand for forestry services by the public is at its highest.
Illinois Forestry Association Position Statement on this Issue: