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Champaign County: Annual Walnut Council Meeting

  • 07/29/2012
  • 5:00 PM
  • 08/01/2012
  • 12:00 PM
  • Holiday Inn Urbana/Champaign
The International Walnut Council's annual meeting will include a Monday field trip to Forest Glen Preserve near Danville for these discussions: crop tree release, density studies, HTIRC research plots, a "walk through" soil pit, butternuts, deer browse, a forest conversion area, invasive species ID and control, chestnut plantings, crown openings in a natural stand from storm damage. On Tuesday, attendees will tour Brownfield Woods, a virgin woodlot near Urbana, and see demonstrations by local woodworkers. The meeting will also include a chainsaw safety seminar by expert Joe Glenn and a dynamic Fossil Forest presentation.

The agenda will be finalized in early 2012.
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