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Northwest Indiana: Walnut Council Field Day

  • 10/22/2011
  • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Wanatah, Indiana - Pinney Purdue Agricultural Center
The Indiana Chapter is holding their autumn field day at this Agricultural Center.  The registration fee is $10 for refreshments, lunch (it appears), and all of the presentations and demonstrations.

The morning features Purdue University foresters showing management practices following a selective harvest and then discussing their trials and tests on coppicing, progeny, containerized stock, and butternut plantings.

Following lunch, attendees will visit a walnut and white oak plantation for a discussion of management techniques and a walnut stand to discuss thinning and felling techniques.

To register, either email Don Greene with the number in your party at and pay at the door or mail your check to Don Greene, 6177 E. State Road 54, Bloomfield, IN 47424-6029.

Note: The event location is on Central or Chicago time.
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